A fantastical slice of life full of mud.. and GOLD!!! For 7-10-year-old goblins | animated series, 3 Seasons ( 13x22’)
Dakota Brown | Katia Grifols | Lydia Saldajeno
BIG TALK- small talk
THE network for your household news: from the vital to the completely unnecessary! for Odd nostalgic audiences | animated-crafted inter-connected series, 3-4 minute bits with a variety of 60-second commercials.
Yuki Mori | Katia Grifols
G.O. Goats
Inexplicable Series of 7-9 minute galactic shorts
Katia Grifols | Maureen Macomber | Annushka Almendros
Rumble Rigs
A crafty-problem solving family adventure series for the 5-7 year old bright inventors and creatives.
Katia Grifols | Maureen Macomber
My Creepy Cousins!
A full of life and shenanigans family series for 5-7 year old cuddly monsters.
Katia Grifols | Maureen Macomber
A magical modern-day epic for 8-12 year old Fighters and Dreamers | animated series, 3 Seasons ( 13x22’)
Katia Grifols | Maureen Macomber | Samantha C. George | Melissa Martyn